Nail ART Picture
22 Oktober 2023
Hasil-hasil� karya Nail ART di bawah ini sudah mendapat persetujuan dari pemilik Gambar. Dilarang mengambil, mengcopy atau me-repost gambar-gambar tersebut tanpa persetujuan dari pihak kami.
By : Indri
Hiasan : Pearl putih, Rhinestone ungu bulat dan Beading
by : Nadia
Alat yang digunakan : Tusuk gigi.
By : Devi Berrymint
Alat yang digunakan : Kuas
Baca juga
18 Oktober 2023
How to use nail app or Nail polish strip
How to use nail app or Nail polish strip
It is made from 100% real nail polish.
Also called dry nail Polish.
Say goodbye to liquid nail polish
No more drying time, smudges, or streaks!
Nail polish strips provide a perfect manicure in minutes.
The strips are made of real nail polish, and each strip includes base, color, and top coats